Hi! I’m Lauri Glenn, Mindfulness-based bodyworker, yoga teacher, meditation educator and mentor. I’m happy you stopped to take a look at what I have to offer in the world of Health & Wellness. I think you’re sure to find something perfect for you. I look forward to meeting you soon.
In Loving-Kindness,
Lauri Glenn, Mindfulness-based Massage Therapist, Yoga & Meditation Educator/Mentor
I’ve been an avid athlete and outdoor enthusiast my entire life. This has led to amazing adventures, but along with that came some injuries and derailments in my own personal health, body and mind. That has been fuel to my fire, driving my passion to find optimal and sustainable health and happiness in my own life and to share what I learn with others.
My journey brought me first to yoga/meditation in 1995, then massage therapy, more yoga/meditation, paramedicine, firefighting and serendipitously, back to massage and yoga/meditation with a whole new perspective. I have a varied and well-rounded view of Health Care, what works and what doesn’t, and how to implement an effective strategy for optimal wellness. I’m blessed to call my passion, my career. I look forward to being a part of YOUR journey to your Healthiest, Happiest Self.