Be Mindful, Eat Better, Feel Better.
I don’t know about you, but summer eating often gets the best of me. BBQs, umbrella drinks, eating on the run from event to event. I don’t always make the best decisions in summer or anytime for that matter. But, I have found some tricks that help me to eat more mindfully, creating a more satisfying experience and helping me to keep off extra pounds! Here are a few that work for me.
- Only eat when sitting down (no standing in front of the fridge, shoveling food in).
- Except while driving. Don’t eat while driving.
- Eat one full meal without distraction (no TV, no phone, no newspaper, no chatter etc)
- Practice gratitude before you devour anything (recognizing the sun, water, farmer, truck driver, grocer etc who makes your food
possible and accessible is invaluable in appreciating your meals).
- Say “No” to one thing every day (an extra serving, a cookie, a frappucino, a handful of crackers etc). You can say NO once, right?
- Say “Yes” to one healthier choice a day (green tea instead of latte, apple instead of cookie, spaghetti squash instead of noodles etc)
- Avoid “white” food (bread, chips, crackers, pasta, rice)
- Wine spritzers instead of a glass of wine (cuts your alcohol consumption by more about half!)
- Stop eating BEFORE you are full (you have to really tune-in and learn what it feels like to have eaten enough. A stuffed belly is OVEREATING.)
- Drink water before you eat and see if you still want food. (VERY often, people mistake thirst for hunger, especially in the hot summer months).
Okay, that’s it for this round. There are lots more tips and tricks but start with a couple of these and see how it does for you. On a personal note, #5 was the best and most useful tip for me that allowed me to go from 155 pounds, down to 125 over the course of a year. That was over 10 years ago and I’ve made these eating tips my lifestyle habits and I’ve kept at a healthy, happy weight! You can too.
OH! And of course, this is combined with a frequently active lifestyle! No change in diet can substitute for an active lifestyle so get out there and move your bodies! We are meant to move!
Much love and lots of good juju,